Lumecca can be used on all surfaces of the body. The most common areas are the ones regularly exposed to the sun which includes face, neck decollete, legs, hands and arms. After only one treatment you will see great improvements in the skin tone, but with more treatment your will be able to achieve even better results.
The treatment regime depends on the severity of the damage, skin type, treatment type (vascular versus sun damage) and the used energy setting on the device. During the treatment you will experience a sharp light and feeling the heat on the skin.
When treating sun damage/age spots, within the first 24-48 hours the pigmentation will become darker and in the following week the spots will start to peel off leaving the skin more even and radiant. When treating vascular lesions, they may vanish immediately but can also appear as bruising as the lesions are damaged and start to leak blood in the surrounding tissue – only to then disappear altogether as bruises normally do.